February 12, 2025

he Most High by Blessify is a masterpiece born out of the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the only credible soothe you can find in reverence to God Almighty. It Is a song to call God’s awesome names and greatness back to him for all his mighty deeds and blessings he showers on us his children.
This song encourages us to take careful inventory of our thoughts of God and of Christ whom he sent to save. He is the only way of salvation. God does not make idle threats neither does he fail to keep his promises.
This songs affirms the supremacy of God by proclaiming the sovereignty of God over creation and providence. God is the ruler with absolute power. He made all things; he is not the work of man’s hands or a god of man’s imaginations.
We find the phrase in psalms 146 verse 24, “Sovereign Lord, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them,” throughout the Scriptures.


Most High Lyrics by Blessify
Lord you are 
The most high God
Lord you are 
The sovereign one
Lord you are 
The prince of peace
Lord you are 
The greatest one
You are God
There is none like you
You are God
In all the earth
You are God
You reign on high
You are God
Soon coming king
You are God
You called forth light out of darkness 
you that God
You made the sun to rule the day 
You are that same God
You made the lame to walk 
and made the blind to see
You own all power in your hands none can compare
Lord you are 
The most high God
Lord you are 
The sovereign one
Lord you are 
The prince of peace
Lord you are 
The greatest one
You are God
There is none like you
You are God
In all the earth
You are God
You reign on high
You are God
Soon coming king
You are God
With you nothing is impossible
In your name oh Lord 
all men are saved
By your mighty hands 
and outstretched arms 
Your love endures
Uh Uh Uh Uh 
Your love endures
You are that God not created by human hands
You spoke your words it came to being 
You’re that same God
You made the stars to rule the night 
You are that God
Oh What an awesome God you are 
We praise your name
You are God
Lord you are 
The most high God
Lord you are 
The sovereign one
Lord you are 
The prince of peace
Lord you are 
The greatest one
You are God
There is none like you
You are God
In all the earth
You are God
You reign on high
You are God
Soon coming king
You are God
The most high God
You are God
The sovereign one
You are God
You reign on high 
You are God
There is none like you 
You are God
About Blessify

Blessify is an award-winning international gospel artist and songwriter with a passion for writing songs that leads people to the presence of God with the help of the Holy Spirit, helping people fix their eyes on Jesus to experience and be transformed by the Glory of His presence!
With a vision to minister God’s word through music and to reconcile souls back to God.
She has ministered and directed music on different international platforms.
She has so far released about 13tracks including a 4track ep Sunday school songs for the children that have been Blessing lives all around the world to the Glory of God.
She is also into children’s ministry communicating the love of God to Children and catching them young for Christ and partnering with parents and teachers of young kids to teach children about the love of God and faith in God through songs.

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