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Onyi jesus is out with a life transforming worship medley, tittled Worthy is the lamb,it’s a call to Total repentance and geniue relationship with God, accepting jesus as your Lord and personal saviour.bringing to the knowledge of men that Jesus is our passover lamb and sacrifice…rev.5:1-10,rev7:10.
Worthy is the lamb that was slain for my sake (*2). Response: the Lamb is Worthy to receive glory,honor and power.(*2)
Verse 1.lee nu nwaturu koh na obeh onye kwafuru obara ya na ihi nmeye mu.. lee nu nwaturu chukwu onye na na asachapu njo nke uwa.. onwuru onwu na ezia bu onye wuruonwu ihi nmeye mu..ohkwa gi simu naba na ikpe amahgimu.. precious Lamb you are worthy..ikariri ihem nche na ibu oke chi nke be eri oke ajah,nmou na ehlo nmou,gi bu ochiri ozoua,dibia ka dibia,okwuru onye na amagi ehkwu…….precious lamb you are worthy, faithful Lamb you are worthy, you are worthy all the way..( *2)
Verse 2 And I see at the right hand of him that sat on the throne,a book was written besides him, this book Carries the seven seals of God.oke chi nke na eri oke ajah you alone were worthy to take the scroll.elere anya na eligwe Mana elere anya na uhwa owehgi onye ahuru.. the Lamb was worthy alone to open the book with seven seals precious Lamb you are worthy, faithful Lamb you are worthy to receive glory and power..
Verse 1.lee nu nwaturu koh na obeh onye kwafuru obara ya na ihi nmeye mu.. lee nu nwaturu chukwu onye na na asachapu njo nke uwa.. onwuru onwu na ezia bu onye wuruonwu ihi nmeye mu..ohkwa gi simu naba na ikpe amahgimu.. precious Lamb you are worthy..ikariri ihem nche na ibu oke chi nke be eri oke ajah,nmou na ehlo nmou,gi bu ochiri ozoua,dibia ka dibia,okwuru onye na amagi ehkwu…….precious lamb you are worthy, faithful Lamb you are worthy, you are worthy all the way..( *2)
Verse 2 And I see at the right hand of him that sat on the throne,a book was written besides him, this book Carries the seven seals of God.oke chi nke na eri oke ajah you alone were worthy to take the scroll.elere anya na eligwe Mana elere anya na uhwa owehgi onye ahuru.. the Lamb was worthy alone to open the book with seven seals precious Lamb you are worthy, faithful Lamb you are worthy to receive glory and power..